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Cockpit of the Future
Cockpit of the Future

Life on board for the end user will be the center point of tomorrow

Major trends are transforming the automotive industry and accelerating technological challenges. Tomorrow's mobility solutions will be more autonomous, electric and shared. End users will face a daily choice between different modes of transport. People will pick a given solution based on how they value their time: Is it perhaps better to work comfortably while commuting for an hour and a half rather than be inconvenienced for 45 minutes?

The autonomous vehicles of the future will not look like those we know today. In today’s world, choosing a given method of transportation or private vehicle comes down to comfort and convenience; yet it is also a matter of performance and image. In tomorrow’s autonomous and electric world, having your own car will no longer be crucial and performance gaps will be evened out. In the future, the real difference will be felt in terms of the available technology and quality of life on board: connectivity, comfort, safety, customization, and tailored acoustic and thermal environments will be the key. Vehicle interior features will be a deciding factor when choosing a mobility solution, both for industry stakeholders in weighing up costs and for future users in their selection criteria.

Faurecia has defined a unique methodology in the automotive industry to create the Cockpit of the Future through a user-centric approach in line with future interior requirements. It has developed an array of technological building bricks and solutions alone or in partnership with mobility stakeholders, all with a focus on drivers and passengers, and on their onboard experience. These solutions will ensure a better free time in both private and shared vehicles to enjoy the ride, work, relax and entertainment.

As part of this comprehensive range of hi-tech solutions for the Cockpit of the Future, Faurecia either directly designs or integrates all interior systems while growing a unique partnership-based ecosystem (as with ZF for safety) and acquiring stakes in startups around the world. This strategy serves as a catalyst to market innovative interiors that are safe, connected, and comfortable—and perfectly adapted to individual user needs. These new adaptable, predictive, connected cockpits are a reality, already in development and benefit from an array of innovations. The shift from today's private vehicles to tomorrow's mobility solutions described by Mobility Nation is already underway.

To turn these changes into opportunities for users and mobility stakeholders, it is important that regulations take into account new demand and possibilities. We need to rethink and simplify wherever possible: combining the limitations of public and shared transportation with those of private cars will serve only to create a more unwieldy end product with less potential benefits to end users. At the same time, support for innovation must be a priority to develop a complete industry able to meet all future needs while keeping a user-centric approach. 

Experts’ voice
Fabrice Aycoberry
Fabrice Aycoberry
Product Marketing Director at Faurecia
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