

Faurecia’s digital recruitment fair embodies commitment to students and graduates

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From November 23 to 27, students and recent graduates will have a chance to meet with our recruitment team and find out more about Faurecia’s business and workplace culture. As well as presenting over 300 internship, VIE and work-study (alternance) opportunities, Faurecia will host CV and interview workshops, and participants will meet Faurecia employees from a range of professions.

We met with Falak Elliot, Head of Talent Acquisition France and the recruitment fair project manager, who shared her thoughts and insights:


Falak Elliot: “Usually our teams attend recruitment fairs hosted by universities, and we get to meet students in person. The current circumstances forced us to pivot to a digital format. Our main challenge has been creating conditions as close as possible to in-person events – with opportunities for conversations and spontaneous interactions, for example. However, with a redesigned digital format, we are able to offer participants the chance to meet with a wider range of colleagues from Faurecia than has been possible in previous years. We’ve opened the five-day program to students at over 60 schools in France and across Europe at once, and will host a range of practical sessions, from diversity and professional development to CV workshops.

“This recruitment fair is the result of months of cross-department collaboration, with human resources and talent acquisition in the lead and colleagues from research and development, finance, sales, purchasing and communications contributing towards what we hope will be an enriching program for students and graduates. Through this fair we want to share not just the various facets of our business, but the diversity of roles and careers one can have in an automotive company. Students and graduates today do not need to have a set career path in mind to begin their professional lives at a company like Faurecia. All they need are interests they would like to pursue, and an openness to learning. 

“Last summer during a visit by France’s Economy and Finance Minister Bruno le Maire to our industrial and R&D sites in Meru, we made a commitment to maintain recruitment for apprenticeships, internships and VIEs in 2020 and 2021. Every year we hire around 700 apprentices, 500 interns, and 400 VIEs – in fact, of all the companies that participate in the VIE program we consistently offer the highest number of these opportunities for young graduates. Our commitment echoes our conviction that we have a responsibility towards future generations. The current economic crisis is having a devastating impact on graduates’ employment prospects. Nevertheless, is it the young talent of today that will shape the mobility of the future, and bring their unique perspectives, new use cases, and dynamism to our work.

“We are hiring today for over 300 positions suited to students and recent graduates in a range of roles including research and development, sales, human resources and finance. I look forward to meeting our participants, to the inspiring conversations we will have, and to engaging with the people who will be shaping our industry in the years to come.

“I invite all motivated, curious and creative students and recent graduates to register for the recruitment fair today!”

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As part of its contribution to supporting future generations, Faurecia has committed to maintaing existing programs for apprentices and recent graduates.


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